Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC)


Right to Left: Dor Zohar, Lutfi Ahmed, Ramunas Wierzbicki, and Sajjad Rajput


At the Candian Engineering Competition, Consulting Division, we were tasked with implementing a 10-year plan for hypothetical e-commerce company “Nile Inc.” The company wanted to expand their network of distribution centers, trucks, drivers, drop off locations, and lockers into the Greater Toronto area.


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Western Engineering Competition (WEC)

At the Western Engineering Competition, consulting division, we were tasked with solving the Eastern Canadian flooding crisis. After a rigorous day, we presented our solution and placed second in the competition. As a result, we will be representing UVic at the Canadian Engineering Competition this March!


Right to left: Judge 1, Judge 2, Ramunas Wierzbicki, Dor Zohar, Lutfi Ahmed, Sajjad Rajput, Judge 3.

Eastern Canada’s Flooding Crisis

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UVic Engineering Competition (UVEC)

In a group of four at the University of Victoria Engineering Competition, Consulting division, we successfully accomplished the task and won in our division. The first half of the day was spent researching, designing, writing a report, and prepping for a presentation later in the day. We will be representing Uvic for the consulting division at the Western Engineering Competition which includes universities from BC, Alberta,  Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in 2018!

Right to left: Dor Zohar, Lutfi Ahmed, Ramunas Wierzbick, Sajjad Rajput

Consulting Division

“Engineering itself involves problem solving. You are given a problem and you use logic, mathematics, and other resources to solve this problem. The consulting category involves putting product planning, project management, research, and engineering business skills to the test.”

Given a problem statement the morning of, we came up with a feasible engineering solution and presented it to potential customers (judges).

Problem Statement?

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